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Tequiza... made with limons.

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Anheuser-Busch Goes South of the Border
By Guest Belly Buddy Tom Jayroe

TequizaI know what you’re thinking.

"Tequiza?! Tequiza!? Who the hell would even bother to do a review on Tequiza? Does this even qualify as a beer? Let’s string this boy up!"

But hold on- just give me a chance. Put down your lynching ropes and hear me out. I have a hunch that many of the drinkers that visit Brian's Belly have purchased and drank this beer (yes, I am going to call it beer) with reasoning that goes something like this:

"Wow, beer and tequila! Someone better take my car keys, I’m going to get schnockered!"

I also have a hunch that many of you were disappointed when you realized that Tequiza had the alcohol content of a regular beer. I'm equally certain that you were disappointed to discover that TEQUIZA DOES NOT HAVE TEQUILA IN IT! It is made with blue agave nectar (the stuff they make tequila with) which is used to sweeten the beer.

So at some point, you were possibly holding a bottle of Tequiza wondering why you'd want a beer that would satisfy nothing more than your sweet tooth and asking "where is that hearty, dark, bitter beer sensation I've grown to love?"

Let me pose a question to you- when you're eating a bowl of 5-alarm chili, or biting into a stack of inferno wings, how well does your dark, bitter beer complement your food? In many cases, strong, dark beer can overpower the flavors in food (or not go well with the heat of certain Belly recipes). Tequiza has the ability to make spicy food (especially Mexican) taste better. Can I prove this on a chemical level? Not at all. I can only speak from experience… lots and lots of experience.

Tequiza is very similar to Corona with the lime already added, but it has a lighter and crisper taste than our urine-flavored, south-of-the-border friend. So the next time you are reaching for the habanero salsa, give my new favorite Anheuser-Busch concoction a try.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, including you- and we have a feeling that just the mention of the ficticous word "Tequiza" will cause as much contoversy as John Carroll's Rolling Rock review. Use the feedback form to let us know what you thought of Tom's review of Tequiza. We'll post the best comments here. If you're just too damn busy to write, rank this beer using the rating system at the top left of the review.

Drinker Feedback:

David Van Cleve writes:
Have y'all considered implimenting negative numbers for your beer rating scale? I couldn't really justify giving Tequiza a "1", otherwise the scale works for most beers.

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