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11 Can't Buy In Utah» Absolutely wonderful over food from that fake Irish pub in New York, New York Hotel in Vegas. I loved it.

0 Joseph» Made the mistake of trying it tonight with Beamish and Boddington's. The latter two I like. Murphy's Irish Red is Wooly Mammoth piss.

10 warheart» my opinion it is defenitely one of the worlds best beers.

7 danindenver» I ordered Murphy's Stout in an Italian restaurant, last night and was served this. It isn't bad. Better than Killian's. No unpleasant aftertaste. But I had really wanted the stout.

11 Sara» I tried this in Italy and it was the best beer i have ever tasted!

0 mike» best excuse to bring back proabation.absolute piss

3 Rappster» The Irish don't know how to brew a great beer

5 leaps» Far inferior within its class to the excellent Murphy's stout. While better than Killian's, the carbonation is a problem. Try Magic Hat Humble Patience for a killer "Irish" red, and send some down south from Vermont!

8 Kelby» Temperature is a vital element in every beer test, but particularly so here. Quaffed when slightly chilled (instead of 'ice cold') this is an exceptional brew.

8 Bart» totally not agree with the comment, I think Murphy's are much much better

8 davebach» I don't agree with my Buddy John. I think this is a fine red, and much better than Killian's.

9 Gordo» To say that Killian's Red is better than Murphy's is like saying a budweiser is better than an Anchor Liberty Ale. I've been looking for an excellent red for a while and this one is excellent.

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