
  • I love posting about articles I find that boast the benefits of alcohol. Examples include how alcohol can help with Alzheimer’s disease, how drinking is good for your bones, and how women who drink are thinner than their teetotaling counterparts. So imagine how happy I was to discover the news that “Alcohol Doubles Lifespan, Helps Resist Stress.”

  • Samuel Adams is going social. Boston Beer is giving Facebook members (I think that’s 99% of you now–hi Grandma!) a say in the brewing process by crowd-sourcing a beer. Using the “Crowd Craft Project” app, Facebook fans can determine the color, clarity, body and character of the malt, hops and yeast for the collaborative beer.

  • Pimp your Weber grill with a Cast Iron Grate. This long-lasting replacement for your standard steel or aluminum grate heats up faster, gives off more even heat and can withstand higher heat. And don’t forget the perfect grill marks.

  • Are you bad at getting your steak the right doneness for you and your guests? Doing 10 things at once with a beer in your hand while you’re cooking? The Charcoal Companion Steak Station 4-Probe Steak Thermometer may help sort out the confusion.

  • Boston Beer is set to roll out four limited-edition brews this holiday season that include flavors such as fruits, chocolates and chilies, oh my. In addition, the brewer has 2011 editions of Infinium and Utopias, as well as a new beer in their Winter Classics Sampler pack.

  • I’m always looking to supplement our deep fried Thanksgiving turkey with the proper Cajun accoutrement… whether it’s an appetizer or side dish. I’ve been toying around with a recipe for Fried Cajun Stuffing Balls and I decided to finally get it down in digital form to share for this T-Day.

  • Everything needs more BACON! Bacon Frosting is just what you’d expect. It’s frosting that tastes like bacon.

  • You know the holidays are just around the corner when Think Geek starts to promote their wonderful bacon-based gift ideas. The Sparkling Bacon Ornament is glittery meat and shiny metallic fat that would look stunning on any bacon-lovers Christmas tree.

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